Robotron Area

competition 2008, 1st prize, master plan 2009

The site of the former research firm Robotron is bordered on one side by the old Dresden city center and on the other by the lawns of the Große Garten.
A workshop resulted in our office being commissioned to design this urban master plan which creates a robust framework for future urban planning. The focus of the design draft is a new inner-city Centralpark, its edges clearly defined by the new buildings of "Wohnen und Arbeiten am Park". The existing large-scale 60's office buildings are woven into the new city texture. Clearings in front of these vast complexes create ample expanses that complement the open spaces of the city park. The range of sites and site variations offers a great variance, mixture, and flexibility of use and typology.

— Stadt Dresden
— Jörg Wessendorf, Berlin
landscape architects:
— Atelier Loidl, Berlin
type of use:
— living, office
—160 000 m²
— 80 ha

diversity of building plots